Coping with COVID-19


COVID-19 has enveloped the world: it knows no geographic boundaries, and, as we continue to learn with every passing day, it does not discriminate by age or race or skin color or station in life. What is the best way to survive it? And is there even a possible way of thriving in the face of all the challenges of this pandemic?

First, before delving into some COVID-19 survival tips, I want to extend my deepest sympathy to anyone who has lost a loved one during this time or to anyone now struggling with health and/or economic issues.

 As stress and anxiety heightens during this pandemic, it is imperative to be vigilant about boosting your immunity, and, despite all the obstacles, to make the time to first relax, and then to pray for those in need, or even better, to find a tangible way to support one of those people who might be struggling.   

Since a global vaccine is not yet available at the time that I am writing this, boosting your own immunity ought to be your first area of focus.  One suggestion that many health professionals agree upon is taking vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc. Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurveda might recommend adding in Ginseng, Astragalus or Holy Basil, which are adaptogens. An adaptogen helps the body adapt to stress while creating a balanced body effect.  All of these items support and boost immunity. 

Other Traditional Chinese Medicine approaches to building immunity include Meridian Medicine (acupuncture, acupressure, and magnet therapy), along with herbal formulas. All of these, along with proper nutrition and exercise, have always been part of my own immunity-building protocol.  

But all of these practical approaches will fall far short of their desired effects if the emotional components – the feelings of stress and anxiety – are not also resolved.

If you are feeling emotionally distraught and not sure how to relax and unplug, here are some ways based on the elements of nature utilized in ancient healthcare systems: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

If you are feeling angry, go for a walk to soothe that upset sensation (walking is a great way to move the qi or vital energy in your body.)  If you are feeling anxious, listen to joyful music to counter the angst.  If you are overthinking and ruminating about your issues, spend time in nature to soothe the worry. If you are feeling sad, take a break from your day and watch a funny movie - laughing is an awesome way to counter feeling sorrowful. If you are frightened and scared, spend time in water and take a soothing bath (don’t forget to add in your favorite essential oils) or go swimming in a lake or ocean.  The water will not only feel refreshing but also work to calm the fear.

With all that is occurring, let’s support one another and unite in a healing and positive way. One simple suggestion is to pray for one another. Take a few moments during your day, give thanks for what is good in your life, send blessings to all you know in need and also pray for peace on earth. Prayer is powerful. Finding a way to actually offer some help to someone who is in need is also a powerful way of supporting both of you.

And so I pray that having read this, you’ve picked up a few tips that may have already given you some hope that there are viable options available to you to help you cope. That hope alone should begin to lighten your stress.

I wish you many blessings as you continue on your unique life journey!

ImmunityFabrizio Scippa